Welcome to Matt and Jill's Place

    We are very happy you took the time to come see us.  On this page, we hope to provide you with pictures of our family, links to things that interest us, and perhaps insight into the people we are and the world we live in.
Feel free to comment on anything you find in here, and remember, none of this is for profit, it is just to share a piece of our world with the world.

Email us with any comments or suggestions.

    In life, the best things usually come from the investment of time and care.  For us, that has meant our education, our friends, and our travels.  Our families, whom we didn't pick, nonetheless chose to keep us, and made us into the people we are today, for good or ill.   We don't know that we could have done better if we had the choice.  Katherine Olivia, who arrived on June 19, 1998, has been keeping us pretty busy, and is eagerly awaiting reinforcements this October.
    Matt finally graduated from Vanderbilt Law School and passed the North Carolina bar exam in July 1999.  After that, the family ran off to California with the Navy JAG Corps.  Jill also graduated in 1999, from the University of Tennessee College of Social Work. She is currently pregnant and will bring our second baby into the world around mid-October.
    Both of us are graduates of Marshall University, and are members of the Society of Yeager Scholars.  In fact, if you like, you can even read Matt's final project and  Jill's senior thesis.  In Spring 1998, Matt finished up a paper on Constitutional law.   If you have had some doubts about the nature of our Republic, check it out, it may help you win that argument at cocktail parties.
    In the long list of friends we have cultivated in our travels, two names and one group of people stand out clearly.  Matthew Moseley and Emily Redington have proven themselves true friends through the years.  Our classmates at the Society of Yeager Scholars have been the kind of comrades you can only hope to encounter in your life.
    Finally, memories being the only true possession, we have worked hard to acquire some interesting ones.  Since meeting in 1993, we have traveled to the Grand Canyon (Spring 94), Russia (Matt, Summer 94), Spain and Morocco (Jill, Fall 95), Key West (Matt +Moseley, Summer 96), San Francisco and Monterey (Honeymoon, Summer 96), Seattle and Canada (winter 98), Nashville(96-99), Raleigh(Summer 99) Newport, Norfolk and San Diego(winter 2000).  The journey continues......

    If we haven't worn you out yet, take a look at the hobbies and pursuits that amuse our idle time.  Matt tends to the fantastic in his hobbies, enjoying Science Fiction and History above most other pursuits.  Jill,on the other hand, is almost always working to deepen her understanding of the human condition, and she loves the pursuit of comfort.

    We also have a dog, who provide us with endless amusement.  Sherlock, our 3 year old Beagle/Bassett, is nothing but love and just a tad sneaky.  Nobody can sleep like Sherlock, and he is a profound legal theorist as well.  He is a happy acquisition from the Nashville  Humane Association.

    Just in case you were curious, we are Matthew and Jill Bromund.  Our parents are Commander Carl and Linda Bromund, currently of Seattle, Washington and Mr. Carl and Dodie Jerzyk of North Canton, Ohio.  Matt has two brothers, Michael and Andrew.
Michael graduated from University of Washington and is currently a Second Lieutenant in the US Army stationed in Anchorage, Alaska.  He just married Robin Silva.


Andrew is a graduate of Snohomish High School.  He is 17 and a triple threat(football, basketball, and track).  He is bound for Washington State University in Pullman, WA.  Look out world!

Jill has one brother and one sister.  Jill's brother, Scott Jerzyk, is a civil engineer in Columbus, Ohio.

Jill's sister, Alyssa Jerzyk, is a sophomore at Ohio University and is currently abroad in Germany.