Where did
this bundle of joy come from?
What's her story?
Read on.
Pre-dating the
Baby's awareness of this unique form of torture, Mom and Dad put these
ultrasound pictures together back when they thought they would have her
on her due date: June 13, 1998
Little Katherine
had a better idea.
Turns out we
were right about the eyes, but who could have guessed that she would have
daddy's eyebrows?
5 month
waving to the audience
Do you think those are blue eyes?
A good profile shot to end this round of embarassment
for the baby.
2 month ultrasound

We had no idea what she would be,
and we are happy that she is a lovely, happy baby girl. Thanks for
sharing our joy with us, and we will try to update you all on her progress
as she moves along.